Why using roles and permissions internally? Trust died?

In almost every management tool out there, there is a sophisticated roles and permissions system that allows you to pick what your developers / product manager / project manager can or cannot do with the system. “You can move a Feature to In Progress only if your Team Leader authorize it”, “Only product manager can create new Feature”, “Only Project Manager can start a new Sprint”. I see it happen sometimes also in source control tools “You can commit only after your Team Leader checked the ‘code review done’ checkbox” or “Only Team Leader can commit code”.

Again, this is an internal system being used inside the organization!

I think it’s a destructive and counterproductive approach. People will stop using tools that are making them less efficient. If I know that only my Team Leader can commit my code, I’ll probably commit once a week or once a month as I cannot sit and wait for him every 10-60 minutes that I normally commit. Same goes for management tools. People will not use the tool to its full potential, if they’ll need to send emails such “can you please create this feature for me?” or “can you please approve this feature so I could start working on it?” What’s the point? I can create tasks in my OneNote or excel file and keep moving from there.

This way, data becomes less relevant, less honest, less up to date. You should trust your people to act smart and train them to utilize tools better.

How do I recover from disasters?

two words – backup system. Usually it’s really simply to backup your data every X hours (or minutes) and rollback if disaster occurred. Your people will get better as they’ll practice more often, get feedback from you and adjust. This will prevent disasters from happening to begin with. Backup system should allow your teammates to practice often, this is their safety net. Don’t use roles and permissions to create virtual trust or avoid personal headaches. At the end of the day, it will cost you more.