VB.NET to C# convertor

This post is mainly self referral, but hack – it might be useful for the random reader as well.

We are converting a few (very small)projects of us from VB.NET 2.0 into C# 2.0. We thought that converting everything manually will take something like 2 hours, but we managed to find an on-line convertor that will cut our work into ~10 minutes. The 10 minutes will be spent on building a new Project as this on-line tool can’t migrate our *.vbproj files into *.csproj files. There are tools on the market that actually support it, but they cost money and therefore recommended only if you migrate big chunks of code\projects\solution.

Our migration process:

1. Create a new C# Project for each VB.NET Project.
2. Create classes files in C# for each VB.NET files.
3. Migrate each VB.NET code via the automatic tool and put the result in the related C# file.
4. Run our Unit Tests.
5. Delete our VB.NET projects (bye bye VB.NET)
6. Smile… :-)

You can find the automatic convertor tool here.