C# Feature Suggestion: support catch block in using keyword

The using keyword works on objects that implement IDisposable interface (an interface with one member, the Dispose() method).
So a code like this:

using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(“connection_string”))
    // use conn…

Is actually transformed into:

SqlConnection conn = null;
    conn = new SqlConnection(“connection_string”);
    if (conn!=null)

The using keyword allows more elegant writing, nothing more actually.

The additional feature I would like to see is that in case of exception, a method in the implementor of IDisposable will be called, meaning the code should(?) be transformed into something like this:

SqlConnection conn = null;
    conn = new SqlConnection(“connection_string”);
catch(Exception err) // *
    if (conn!=null)

Of course, I would have to implement HandleException(Exception e) method as part of implementing IDisposable interface.

Why is this good for ??

Well, think about creating a transaction scope interface:

interface ITransactionScope : IDisposable
    void Commit();
    void Rollback();
    // ….

In this scenario, it would be great that if no exceptions were thrown, the transaction should Commit() by default,
but if any exception was thrown and not handled – do Rollback().

using (ITransactionScope trans = DbServices.StartTransactionScope())

    // delete 1

} // should do Commit()

using (ITransactionScope trans = DbServices.StartTransactionScope())
    // delete 1
    throw new ArgumentException(“just to make the point clear”);

} // should do Rollback()

HandleException(Exception e) will allow me to set a flag for Rollback on Dispose or to Rollback immediately; This can be quite handy.

Today I Rollback at the Dispose(if the transaction state is “uncommitted”) and I force my programmers to call Commit() method directly.

* I know that catching Exception is a bad practice by default, but in those scenarios I would rather ask the “is\as” question(s) and handle my exception than wrapping using with try-catch blocks. After all, using should allow elegant code…

What do you think ?

I’ve posted a ladybug at Microsoft Product Feedback, you can check it out (and vote!!!) here:



Oren Ellenbogen


2 thoughts on “C# Feature Suggestion: support catch block in using keyword

  1. I posted something similar a while ago, the idea was to change IDisposable itself to add OnError() method.

    I recommend that you will open a ladybug issue on the matter.
    This is important

  2. They can’t add OnError(Exception e) method to IDisposable as it will break existing code. I think that the best option is to invent a new keyword. something like "flow" or "transact" which will work with ITransactional : IDisposable. C# 3 maybe ?

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